well then.... im not quite sure how to compete with these other blogs... so... im just gonna say that yall are really weird!!! hahaha ok then... thats all i have to say... so...bye!!! :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Taco Bell
Okay, L your whole Mountain Dew Baja Blast thing reminded me of this.....
I love how the guy in the car says "How did that guy do that?"
Posted by R@y-R@y at 2:52 PM 2 comments
Stagecoaches aren't Tasty
Aww, sadness Kt. I mourn your loss of the peace bracelet.
On the other hand, Tobasco sauce? How is that even applicable?
Vanilla Coke: AWESOME first sip, after that it just goes back to being sort of bla. But that first sip is quite possibly even better than Mountain Dew, but for a soft drink to be truly great it must be sustained good taste - thus Mountain Dew obviously prevails.
Coke: Classic? Yes. But so is a stagecoach but we obviously don't ride around in those do we?
What is better than Mountain Dew? I take it back. There is one exception and technically it is an offshoot of mountain dew and therefore one thing can not be better than itself but if it could this would be.
Posted by Laura Beth at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by Katie at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
You put Tabasco sauce! What in the world!.....I thought we were talkin drinks....Anyways your wrong too. Coke is better. Period.
I'm on the Coke side of life.
Posted by R@y-R@y at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Katie at 12:11 PM 1 comments
Mountain Dew, that's your comeback?
Mountain Dew....Hmmmmm.......Nope sorry doesn't even stand a chance against Coke. You see Coke, has the perfect blend of Oo-LaLa and Yummmmm, both of which Mountain Dew doesn't have, or will ever possess. Though I will admit, that Mountain Dew Code Red, is exceptional. But definitely not near as good as Coke. Coke makes the world go round.....Mountain Dew....Is nothing but a strange yellowish-green liquid.
PS: Sorry I like to argue.....
Posted by R@y-R@y at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Okay here's a list of my favorite TV shows...
* White Collar
* Burn Notice
* Bones
* Criminal Minds, is growing on me
* Castle
* CSI Miami
That about sums it up!
PS: I'll probably think of more later.....
Posted by R@y-R@y at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Most Interesting Man In The World
I believe this video speaks for itself. I know I know it's is a beer commercial, but it is just so hilarious!
I love it! He can speak French, in Russian! Sorry I'm so weird!
Posted by R@y-R@y at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Na Na Na Na HEY!
Na Na Na Na HEY! I LOVE this song!!!! I mean you can't not sing along! I've listened to this song my whole life, at the numerous Hockey games I've been to over the years. And can you believe his name is Gary Glitter???? Isn't that awesome?
Posted by R@y-R@y at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
You put a...

That glorious song is what you hear when you put two different animal halves together! And if you want to be boring and actually put both the halves of the same animal together then you hear:
You've made a match look what you found, you made a match hear a sheep sound...baaa
I don't even care if this is a baby toy. Me and all of my comrades in Girls D-group are in agreement. It is the most fun toy EVER. These 2 short, little songs get stuck in our heads for days, sometimes even weeks. Whoever at Leap Frog made this, is a genious! This toy can even occupy teenage girls for crying out loud.
Don't you judge me...
Posted by Katie at 4:32 PM 0 comments
I just realized something. A day without Caffeine, is a really bad day! Yeah yeah yeah, I know it's not the best for you, but I still love it! It keeps you awake, and it tastes awesome! Really think about it, it's two in the afternoon, and your dragging a bit, and you are handed a fresh cold Coke, what could be better? That tinny hiss it makes when you open it...the tingle you feel as you take the first sip...Hmmmm amazing...beautiful. That is what Coke can do.
Posted by R@y-R@y at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Blue Grape...What?
I feel like I'm the only one posting......That could be because I don't have a life....But anyways! Thank you Anna for giving me my next topic, Gatorade....Good, refuels you when your running low. But the grape flavor...it's blue...not purple...why? Can they not make purple? They have blue and they have red...how can they not make purple? It's a proven fact that Red and Blue mixed together makes purple. And they have both! In nowhere else do you see grape as blue....I mean, why can't they be like other grape flavored drinks? Why is this one so special? Purple is one of my favorite colors...and grape is my favorite flavor of Gatorade...so why can't they figure this out?
Posted by R@y-R@y at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Technology...couldn't live without it!
Bored...so bored.....nothing to do but this...and listen to my bro talk to the TV screen....sooo bored. It makes me wonder...What did people do before technology? Were they really content with Hop-Scotch and Jump-Rope??? Hmmm...I know I wouldn't be! I mean I don't mind playing one non-technological game of UNO or two, but only if I win. Whoever said winning is only half the fun was sooo wrong! But to never, NEVER chat with people, or blog would be terrible! But oh well....I hope to never go through that! Well I am now going to take advantage of technology and watch a movie....BYE!
Posted by R@y-R@y at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Wow! Alot has happened since I last got on! I LOVE this blog! It's probably the smartest thing I've ever done.....Well other than coloring my hair, that was a really good decision! So what's everybody been up to???
Posted by R@y-R@y at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Best Cover Song Ever
While reading a few 2010 Olympic blogs, I came across this jewel of a video that is both the strangest, and the most awesome video of the Olympics so far(barring Shaun White's Gold Medal run, of course)
I give you "We Are The Champions".... In...Some other language...
Posted by Devan Cooley at 7:24 PM 1 comments
this is cool!
this is cool i like this awesome group blog!!! hahahaha!!! our friendship is like nailing jello to a tree!!! hahaha oh, and i found out today in bible that jello is made from horse hooves!!! I KNOW NASTY RIGHT!!! haha idk what that had to do with bible though! oh well!! hahaha........bye!
Posted by Anna at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Song In My Head
I've had this song in my head all week... At least the video matches the blog background...
Posted by Devan Cooley at 11:08 AM 0 comments
I just figured out I can edit! My posts and everyone else's!!! Kinda weird but oh well......If y'all need me to edit yours I can....
Posted by R@y-R@y at 9:05 AM 0 comments
I noticed that, I'm not able to edit either.....weird. All the Psych quotes are awesome! Oh and I have a question...Okay during a prayer, all guys lean down really far, and girls don't....Why??? I have always wondered.....
Posted by R@y-R@y at 9:00 AM 0 comments
I just found something out...if you post something, you cant edit it later on. That is retarded. So sorry about my Psych post, you cant really read the words and they are all spaced out weird.
Posted by Katie at 6:46 AM 0 comments
I Know, You Know, That Im Not Telling the Truth
Gus: What part of "stay put" is confusing to you?
Shawn: The "put" part. I wasn't "put" in the first place, Gus. The whole expression is a complete disaster.
Lassiter: So you think someone planted it in his locker?
Shawn: No, I think someone put it there on purpose.
Lassiter: That's what I just said.
Shawn: But mine wasn't in the form of a question, so it came from a place of power.
Gus: Don't you watch the news?
Shawn: I can't watch Channel 8 anymore. Lloyd Lansing wears a toupee. It's like every newscast begins with a lie.
Shawn: I can't believe this. You lifted your look right off this mannequin!
Gus: On the contrary, Shawn. Clearly, someone is stealing my look.
Shawn: Right... I did see Tommy Hilfiger creeping from bush to bush sketching you.
Gus: I'm not going out there.
Shawn: You cannot sit here in a dark car all alone. You'll be picked up for mopery.
Gus: Mopery?
Shawn: With intent to creep. Trust me, you don't want that. It'll put a big hole in your future.
Gus: Shawn? What the heck are you doing here?
Shawn: I should ask you the same question.
Gus: I work here!
Shawn: I should ask you a different question.
Receptionist: There is a Lt. Crunch here to see you.
Gus: Crunch?
Shawn: [enters, dressed in a Civil War uniform] Actually, I've been promoted. It's Captain Crunch.
Posted by Katie at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Weirdos are cool!!!! And I can change the description if you want.
Posted by R@y-R@y at 1:47 PM 0 comments
I'm not sure if I want to be posting on the weirdo blog...oh well. I got a post in.
Posted by T at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Haha thanks! My whole plan was to blind everyone!....But I can look for another background if y'all want.
Posted by R@y-R@y at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Ouch but yay!
So... the red and black? Not too much for anyone? Not blinding in any way? :D BTW, This whole group blogging thing is an awesome idea, R!
Posted by Laura Beth at 1:02 PM 0 comments
This is going to be so fun! Posting with all of yall. Our random, stupid thoughts. It will be very interesting...
Posted by Katie at 12:55 PM 0 comments