This is sad. No one has posted on here in 17 days! So i felt like i should post something. Hmmm...what to say what to say. Here is some stuff about me in the form of an email forward. If yall would like you can copy and repost this with your answers. But you dont have to. I couldnt think of anything to post.
What is your name? Katie
How many siblings do you have? 2 little brothers
When is your birthday? 8-15-93
Are you a righty or lefty? Righty
Favorite Sports? Football (NFL and NCAA), Ultimate (playing not watching), Basketball (NBA and NCAA), Golf (sometimes), Volleyball (playing not watching)…and more. I love sports.
Fave Car? Mustang…by far. Always has been. Crimson, Navy or Black - 2011 model.
Fave Subject in School? Anatomy
How many animals do you have? 3 cats and a bird
Bungee Jumped? Nope
Broken the law? I got on a bus even though I saw the sign that said “Unauthorized Entry Illegal” I know im so rebellious :D
What instrument do you play? I play guitar, I can play some piano and drums, and I sing. I guess you could say I like music A LOT.
Are you tan or pale? Tan :D
Are you shy or outgoing? It depends on who I am with and what my mood is. Mostly outgoing though.
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr Pepper…Root Beer is nasty
Are you better at talking or listening? Listening def. Im very good at that.
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Day or Night? Both
Summer or Winter? SUMMER…I guess you could say that im a beach bum so summer def
Cake or pie? Oh they are both so good. There are so many more kinds of pie that I love so….pie.
Have you ever broke/sprained/fractured a bone? The closest I have gotten to any of those is that my BFF almost broke my nose when we were playing football.
Fave Band(s) or Solo Artist(s)? Train and John Mayer
Fave Book(s)? The Last Song and Eclipse
Fave Movie(s)? Bourne (all of them cant choose just one), The Blindside, Letters To Juliet, and The Last Song